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Basically, I think that when it comes to technology #MethodFeeder then I am already at the advanced level and being immodest .... i am advanced with temporary flashes to the level of #PRO - i emphasize - CHILDLY !!! Nevertheless - like most of the anglers I know personally, I started by observing colleagues, watching more or less successful productions from the #YOUTUBE etc. By a method of successive trial and error, where errors were in the advantage, I have developed a certain optimum of generally speaking equipment/commodities, which allows me to fish in a satisfactory and quite effective way. Since the mistakes are behind me, richer in experience and knowledge of how "not to do" I thought of a series of posts that will present this "how I would do it if I were starting a second time".
To begin with - #HUNGER !
Well, and in order to select a rod with such a question and conditions, we need to ask ourselves another quite important question, in fact, several questions, and they are as follows:
- what commercial fisheries do we have nearby ?
- what transportation options do we have ?
- how often will we fish ?
- is it supposed to be total recreational fishing (you know ... the kind with a beer, chatting and barbecue), recreational fishing with a focus on the result, or maybe fishing with the firm intention that in 2-3 years we plan to compete in competitions ?
Let's start with the fishing grounds. In the vicinity of Warsaw, where I live, there is a preponderance of reservoirs where the required distance of "rod casting" so as to "reach the #fish" is 5-50m. There is, of course #fishing #Jegel where this distance will be much greater, but for the most part of my trips, a cast of 50m is a sufficient cast. Therefore, in this case, a rod with an overall length in the range of 3.00-3.30m will be sufficient. I have a problem understanding the frequent purchase decisions of anglers fishing on "my" reservoirs, where their rods are 3.60m or even 3.90m long, respectively, and the interested parties themselves are fishing at a distance of 25 or 30m. Such a long rod is uncomfortable and heavy, but it has another use. Well, in the fisheries in the south of our country, momentum dominates .... or at least where I frequented momentum dominates. The reservoirs are oversized, and the fish in these waters stand .... far, far away and even further. In such waters, you need to look for distance, and for this you need rods with lengths of 3.6m to even 4.2m. So a simple matter - if you mostly fish on the Matchpro Fishing Arena - a 3.0m rod is enough for you if you mostly fish on the Halin fishery - 3.3m rod will be a good choice, but if your primary fishery is a Ocieka Forest Marina - then you buy a 3.90m rod with the highest casting weight possible and that is your basis.
Now it's a matter of choosing how to transport and carry our rods. When I started in Method Feeder I had small and short #auto, and the rods in the so-called two-component - that is, my rods - for the time of transport stretched into two equal parts. Thus, they occupied almost the entire length of the car, and at the time when I went fishing together with my wife this .... constituted a certain ... trouble. Nevertheless, such rods were much faster to assemble and disassemble on the fishing ground, and such is my personal feeling that they worked better during the cast. Because it will be admitted that at the moment, despite the fact that I have a much longer car, I have all rods in the size of 3.30m and longer in a tri-fold. It's more convenient to transport, but folding them and unfolding them on the fishing ground is no small challenge.
Another issue, or even two more issues. How often do I fish and where do I see myself angling in two, three, four years?
If I plan to fish totally recreationally then I don't need an expensive rod from the highest price range of a particular manufacturer. An inexpensive feeder selected for length and number of storage that provides us with optimum convenience in transportation is enough. If, on the other hand, we plan to fish intensively or professionally in the future, it is good to invest right away in rods from the middle or higher price range - because, first of all, they give us greater and better control in all elements of the "fishing process", and secondly, they give us much greater comfort in fishing.
The last thing I did not mention in the questions at the beginning of the post - is the casting weight. I think that it does not play a significant role at shorter distances, you just need to remember that somehow it is so, that a rod with a casting weight of up to 40g, will bear badly a 70-gram feeder scooped with a mix of bait and pellets. However, when it comes to long rods it is known !!! - the higher the casting weight, the better they load and the feeders fly further.
Well, and now my type. If I were starting my Method Feeder adventure ... exactly today with the knowledge I have at the moment, and with the intention of fishing professionally in the next 2-3 years, and realizing that my fishing is The fishery "at Sokolow" ,Fishing #Lasomin, , Stop Bielawa ,, Agritourism farm Batorówka and from time to time Fishery "Buttermilk" Psary then I would buy a fishing rod #PRESTON IGNITION CARP FEEDER 3.35M 50G. I already have a long enough car, the rod is not particularly expensive (well there are cheaper, but still, this price does not #village with legs), because it is pleasant to use, and as a competition rod it will be a good start, and in the future a very good backup rod.
How about you ? Beginners #colleagues - what rod have you been thinking about ? Or have you already chosen something ?
Rafal Mikolajczyk
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