Where in Poland can you fish for eels?
In Poland, eels can be found in both rivers and lakes. Nevertheless, it is worth knowing that they are relatively intelligent fish, and tracking them down may not be so easy.
In lakes, it is worth looking for places with muddy bottoms, as silt provides natural protection for eels and allows them to camouflage themselves perfectly.
A similar approach can be used when fishing in rivers, where secluded areas densely covered with vegetation are especially worthwhile.
When planning river fishing, take into account that eels often hide in water-washed banks.
Protective periods for eels
The eel, like any other fish species, has a protective period during which it spawns and matures. The protection period for this fish lasts as long as four months - from December 1 to March 31. During this eel fishing is prohibited.
For the rest of the calendar year they can be legally fished. The fish bite best in late summer and early autumn.
How to build a feeder set for eels?
Many people think that when eel fishing, the choice of rod and reel is of secondary importance, since the other elements matter most. However, this is not entirely true.
Eel is an untrusting fish, and therefore relatively difficult to catch. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to each element of the feeder set to increase your chances of success.
What rod to choose for a feeder set for eel?
When choosing a rod, look primarily at its length, c.w. and action. For eel feeder sets, rods with a casting weight of about 60 g are recommended.
A sufficiently flexible rod will allow you to balance a strongly wriggling fish during hauling. A well-chosen rod, such as the Mistrall Sicata Method Feeder 3.0 m 60 g, provides a precise sense of strikes and effective towing of the fish.
Use the right reel
When it comes to choosing a reel for a feeder set for eel, specialists recommend models with a solid construction and a good brake system, which allows you to effectively control the fish while towing.
This will prove especially important when there is a large specimen on the hook. When choosing a reel, it is also worth considering the number of bearings that ensure precision and smooth operation.
An example of a reel that can work well for feeder eel fishing is the Daiwa 20 Fuego LT 4000-C, which guarantees lightning-fast and reliable operation and optimal braking power, even when towing large fish.
What load and leader for eels?
The optimal load for a feeder set for eel depends on several factors, such as the type of fishery, water currents, and the angler's individual preferences. However, for eel fishing at longer distances, a load of 40-60 grams is usually used.
A good choice would be the Guru - Distance Bomb 43 g sinker available in our store.
The leader for eel fishing should be sturdy and abrasion-resistant to cope with potential obstacles during fishing. We recommend using leaders made of strong materials, such as stainless steel or special braided lines with increased strength.
The optimal leader length is usually between 30 and 50 cm. Experimenting with different lengths and types of leaders will allow you to adjust your equipment to the specifics of eel fishing. To start with, check out the ready-made feeders leaders available from us.
The right eel hook
For eel fishing on a feeder set, small but sturdy hooks are best, which allow you to effectively hold the fish during the haul. To make the hook effective, the hook should be well sharpened. In our store you will find a wide selection of hooks with eyelets and hooks with blades.
Effective baits and lures
When hunting eel, the use of good bait can increase the chances of success, especially if it includes fragments of bleak or roach fillet. The choice of bait is also worth mentioning. Experienced anglers bait eels with live or dead fish. Also, wolfsbills, red worms and even crayfish meat work well.
To make your bait more effective, consider using flavoring additives. Liquids are special liquids that are added to the mix, making it more attractive to eels. In our store you will find different variants. For example, we offer liquids with the aroma of fish and shellfish - flavors that perfectly attract eels.
As you can see, building a feeder set for eel is a process that often involves experimentation and trial-and-error examination of the fishery. Adapting your equipment to the conditions on the water will increase your chances of a successful hunt for this demanding fish!
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