Proper selection of equipment - the basis of a classic feeder
The basis of fishing is the right equipment. Adages like "Itused to be fishing with a hazel stick" should be thrown between the legends. Even when the fish stock is high (for example, in commercial fisheries), fish have already become accustomed to the presence of various objects in the water. And because of this, they are more cautious. This puts additional difficulties for anglers and forces the use of increasingly finicky equipment.
Read what to pay attention to when buying the basic elements of the kit.
First, a good fishing rod
In the offer of our store you will find a variety of rods for fishing with classic feeder and method. Be guided first of all by the casting weight. It must be adapted to the basket you plan to put in the set and the specifics of the fishery.
For example, when going to a river, anglers often operate with weights above 100 g. On the other hand, for bodies of water with standing water, the casting weight depends on the distance at which you are fishing. Note that on some lakes, you often have to flip the "green belt" to reach the location of larger specimens. In any of these situations, successful fishing requires the use of an appropriate rod.
Adjust the length of the rod to the distance at which you are fishing. The standard is 3.60 meters. Pickers will be shorter - usually 3.30 m. On the other hand, for long distances it will be up to 4.50 m, but such sizes are applicable only for casting distances over 100 m.
Remember that feeder is also interchangeable tips. For good reason. The color-coded thickness, should be selected for the entire set. When fishing with a classic feeder, your equipment can be very light. Then it is enough to use a thin tip. On the other hand, fishing with a heavy set, in the top weight c.w., choose an adequate thickness.
Tip: The selection of a tip is the key to success, especially if you are hunting for sizable specimens. Big fish do not always make a "breakaway"!
Reel adapted to the length of the rod
Choose its size according to the length of the rod. Larger distance and weight of casting forces the angler to use a mill with a larger spool capacity. Size 3000-4000 is a classic of the genre. It can handle even a large specimen without a problem.
The most important thing about the reel is a precise and powerful brake. When fighting a big fish, you need to control it properly. Feeder reels usually have a front (top) brake. Some anglers prefer to use a reel with a slow gear, for fear of dragging the rod into the water.
No matter which option you choose, you can find a high-quality reel for classic feeder in our store.
Tip: A strong and precise brake is a must. Without it, you can lose the specimen of a lifetime.
Line or braided line - what to choose for a classic feeder?
This question fires up the fishing forums to the hilt. The main differences between the two are:
The fishingline is flexible. When casting at a distance of 30-40 meters, it can stretch by a few centimeters, which, combined with the shock absorption of the rod tip, gives you more time to correct the brake. For this reason, among others, the line can forgive mistakes with a medium fish and a poorly set brake.
The braided line is stiff. This allows you to spot a bite faster on the rod tip, but is fraught with the risk of breaking the leader. The solution may be to use Feeder Gum. It is used by both novice anglers and professionals. It is a type of shock absorber that is used when fishing with braided line. Feeder rubber stretches only when the rod tip is bent. So you can benefit from the elasticity of the rubber and the instantaneous notice of a bite when using a braided line.
The above solution allows you to catch even large fish on a classic feeder. Several-kilogram bream using a 0.12 mm leader? It's possible! Having a wound monofilament line (without rubber), this art could not succeed.
Conclusion: braided line with feeder rubber give more possibilities. However, it requires proper technique and selection of the rest of the equipment. If you set the clutch in the reel wrong, you can say goodbye to the specimen.
The right bait, lure and leader
Bait, bait and leader - you should always choose these three things simultaneously. For many anglers this approach may be surprising, but in fact it is the key to selecting bigger fish from the fishery! Just as with the rod and reel, here too everything should work together.
The choice of bait often means months of experimentation on a given fishery. The fact is that the more expensive brands (the so-called "competition brands") are more effective. Even if they seem to have a less intense scent, they produce a better effect. Why? Because the manufacturers composed the given mixture just by experimentation and experience on the water.
Of course, the type of bait is one thing, and the insert for it is another. Using corn as bait? Add it to your bait bucket. It is worth it if it is of "inferior quality". Crumpled, thawed. This will make the picky big fish choose your bait.
Always treat hook size and bait size as one element. Putting corn kernels on a No. 24 hook? That's unlikely to end in an effective strike. Always choose the hook for the size of the lure. It must be hooked steadily, with the hook as small as possible.
Thethickness of the leader, on the other hand, depends on the technique used. There is no golden mean here. For example, thicknesses in the range of 0.12-0.14 mm allow you to successfully fight carp weighing about 5 kg.
Tip: Fish with the thinnest possible leader you can use in a given fishery. This will allow you to camouflage the set on the bottom of the body of water.
Technique will make you a player!
Finally, the most important thing - proper technique. Without skill, even having top-shelf equipment at hand with properly selected groundbait, leader and all the rest, you will not catch a big fish. This is what wins competitions.
Have you ever encountered a situation where a local angler won a competition, even though he didn't use a branded rod or reel? He probably beat you with experience and technique. That's why perfecting your skills is essential. Reading the water is an art. However, all this comes with time.
In conclusion, when fishing with a classic feeder, make sure that all the elements of the set are consistent. From a good rod to a sharp hook, properly matched to the leader. It is the details that often determine the success of a fishing sit.
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