I. Company Information

Online store operating at www.feederland.pl is run by MFS Ltd o.o. with its registered seat in Wilcza Wola 21, 26-500 Szydłowiec entered in the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the city of Lublin VI Economic Department of the National Court Register under no:

KRS 0000911907,

NIP 799-197-83-99,

REGON 389480547

e-mail shop@feederland.pl, telephone +48 502 222 405

II. Definitions

The terms used in the Regulations shall mean:

1. Customer- a natural person, a legal person or an organizational unit that is not a legal person, to which special regulations grant legal capacity, who makes an Order from the Store;

2. Civil Code - law of April 23, 1964 (Dz.U. No. 16, item 93 as amended);

3. Regulations - these Regulations for the provision of services by electronic means within the framework of the online store [Feederland.pl];

4. Online store - website service available at [https://feederland.pl], through which the Customer can, in particular, place Orders;

5. Merchandise - products presented in the Online Store;

6. Sales contract - contract of sale of Goods within the meaning of the Civil Code, concluded between [podmiotem prowadzącym sklep internetowy] and the Customer, concluded using the Store's website;

7. Consumer Rights Act - law of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights (Dz.U. 2014, item 827);

8. Law on provision of electronic services - act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means (Journal of Laws No. 144, item 1204, as amended);

9. Order - a declaration of will of the Customer, aimed directly at concluding a Sales Agreement, specifying in particular the type and number of Goods.

III. General Provisions

2.1. These Regulations set out the rules for the use of the online store available at: www.feederland.pl 

2.2. These Regulations are the rules and regulations referred to in Article 8 of the Law on Providing Electronic Services.

2.3. The online store, operating under www.feederland.pl, is run by MFS Sp. z o. o.

2.4. These Regulations set out in particular [w zależności od dostępnych możliwości]:

(a) the rules for registering and using an account within the online store;

(b) terms and conditions for making electronic reservations for products available through the online store;

(c) the terms and conditions for placing electronic Orders within the online store;

d) the principles of concluding Sales Agreements using the services provided by the Online Store.

2.5. The use of the online store is possible provided that the ICT system used by the Customer meets the following minimum technical requirements:

a) Internet Explorer version 11 or later, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox.

(b) a network connection that allows free use of the store's resources

2.6. In order to use the online store, the customer should on his own access to a computer workstation or terminal device, with access to the Internet.

2.7. In accordance with applicable laws, MFS Sp. z o.o. reserves the right to limit the provision of services through the Online Store to persons who are at least 18 years of age. In such a case, potential customers will be notified of the above.

2.8. Customers may access these Terms and Conditions at any time through the link provided on the home page of the website, and download and take a printout.

2.9. Information about the Goods provided on the Store's websites, in particular, their descriptions, technical and performance parameters and prices, constitute an invitation to conclude a contract, within the meaning of Article 71 of the Civil Code.

IV. Rules of using the Online Store

3.1. Registration with the Online Store is a prerequisite to start using it.

3.2. Registration is carried out by completing and accepting the registration form, made available on one of the pages of the Store.

3.3. Registration is conditional on agreeing to the content of the Terms and Conditions and providing personal information marked as mandatory.

3.4. MFS Ltd o.o. may deprive the Customer of the right to use the Internet Store, as well as may restrict his/her access to part or all of the resources of the Internet Store, with immediate effect, if the Customer violates the Regulations, and in particular if the Customer:

a) provided data during registration in the online store that is untrue, inaccurate or outdated, misleading or violating the rights of third parties,

b) committed through the online store a violation of the personal rights of third parties, in particular the personal rights of other customers of the online store,

(c) will engage in other conduct that will be recognized by MFS Sp z o.o. for behavior that is inconsistent with applicable laws or general rules of Internet use or that harms the good name.

3.5. A person who has been deprived of the right to use the online store may not register again without prior approval of the Store Administration.

3.6. In order to ensure the security of the transmission of messages and data in connection with the services provided on the Website, the Online Store takes technical and organizational measures appropriate to the degree of security threat to the services provided, in particular, measures to prevent unauthorized persons from obtaining and modifying personal data transmitted on the Internet.

3.7. In particular, the customer is obliged to:

a) not to provide or transmit content prohibited by law, such as content that promotes violence, is defamatory or violates the personal rights and other rights of third parties,

b) use the Online Store in a manner that does not interfere with its operation, in particular through the use of specific software or devices,

c) not to take actions such as: sending or posting unsolicited commercial information (spam) within the Internet Store,

d) use the Online Store in a manner that is not burdensome to other customers and to MFS Sp. z o.o.,

e) use any content posted within the Online Store only for your own personal use,

f) use the Online Store in a manner consistent with the provisions of the laws in force on the territory of the Republic of Poland, the provisions of the Regulations, as well as with the general rules of Internet use.

V. Procedure for conclusion of the Sales Agreement

4.1. In order to conclude a Sales Contract through the Online Store, one should visit the website https://feederland.pl, make a selection of goods and their features such as color, size or design, taking further technical actions based on the messages displayed to the customer and the information available on the site.

4.2. Customer's choice of ordered Goods is made by adding them to the shopping cart.

4.3. During the process of placing the Order - until pressing the "Order" button - The Customer has the possibility to modify the entered data and in the selection of Goods. To do this, follow the messages displayed to the Customer and the information available on the site.

4.4. After the Customer using the Online Store has provided all the necessary data, a summary of the submitted Order will be displayed. The summary of the submitted Order will include information regarding:

(a) the subject matter of the contract,

b) the unit and total price of the ordered products or services, including delivery costs and additional costs (if any),

(c) the selected method of delivery,

(d) the selected payment method,

(e) delivery time,

(f) others.

4.5. In order to send an Order, it is necessary to accept the content of the Terms and Conditions, provide personal data marked as mandatory and press the "Order with obligation to pay" button.

4.6. The Customer's sending of the Order constitutes a declaration of intent to conclude with MFS Sp. z o.o. Sales contract, as stated in the Terms and Conditions. 1

4.7. After placing an Order, the Customer receives an email entitled […], containing final confirmation of all material elements of the Order.

4.8. The contract is considered to have been concluded upon receipt by the Customer of the e-mail mentioned above. 4.9. The contract of sale is concluded in the Polish language, with the content in accordance with the Regulations

VI. Delivery

5.1. Delivery of the Goods is limited to the territory of the Republic of Poland and takes place at the address indicated by the Customer when placing the Order.

5.2. Delivery of ordered Goods is carried out through the Polish Post, Inpost parcel machines, DPD courier or GLS.

Delivery cost:

Inpost (Parcel Machines): pLN 9.99 gross (prepaid)

Polish Post (Courier 48): pLN 9.99 gross (prepaid) and PLN 12.99 gross (cash on delivery).

DPD courier: pLN 12.99 gross (prepaid), PLN 12.99 gross (cash on delivery).

GLS Courier: pLN 14.99 gross (prepaid), PLN 17.99 gross (cash on delivery).

In addition, the cost of delivery will be indicated at the time of placing the Order.

5.3. The delivery period is from 1 to 14 working days from the date of the Order.

5.4. Customers may access these Terms and Conditions at any time through the link provided on the home page of https://feedersklep.pl and download and print them. Recording, securing, making available and confirming to the Customer the significant provisions of the Agreement for sale of Goods shall be done by sending to the Customer at the e-mail address provided and by attaching to the parcel containing the Goods a printout of the confirmation, the Order specification and the VAT invoice.

VII. Prices and payment methods

6.1. The prices of the Goods are quoted in Polish zloty and include all components, including VAT (distinguished by the rate), customs duties and any other components.

6.2. The customer has the option to pay the price:

a) by bank transfer to the bank account number,

PKO Bank Polski S.A. Branch 1 in Legionowo

28 Pilsudskiego St., 05-120 Legionow

Account number: 44 1020 1026 0000 1102 0478 6846

b) PayU or Przelewy24 instant payment,

c) payment in the system presented at the time of ordering

VIII. Right of withdrawal

You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason.

The withdrawal period expires after 14 days from the day you receive the shipment. To exercise your right of withdrawal, you must inform us of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (for example, a letter sent by mail, fax or e-mail). You may use the model withdrawal form, but it is not mandatory. In order to comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient for you to send information regarding the exercise of your right of withdrawal before the expiry of the withdrawal period. Effects of withdrawal If you withdraw from this contract, we will return to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery of the goods (except for the additional costs resulting from your choice of a delivery method other than the cheapest ordinary delivery method offered by us), immediately and in any case no later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to exercise your right of withdrawal from this contract. We will refund the payment using the same means of payment that you used in the original transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any case, you will not incur any fees in connection with this refund. IX. Complaints regarding the Goods

8.1. MFS Ltd o.o. as a seller shall be liable to the Customer who is a consumer within the meaning of Article 22 of the Civil Code, under the warranty for defects to the extent specified in the Civil Code, in particular Article 556 and Articles 556 - 556 of the Civil Code.

8.2. Complaints arising from violation of the Customer's rights guaranteed by law, or under these Regulations, should be addressed to the following address sklep@feederland.pl. MFS Ltd o.o. undertakes to consider each complaint within 14 days, and if this is not possible, to inform the customer within this period when the complaint will be considered.

8.3. MFS Ltd o.o. is not the manufacturer of the Goods. The manufacturer is liable under the warranty of the sold Goods under the conditions and for the period indicated in the warranty card. If the warranty document provides for this possibility, the Customer may submit his claims under the warranty directly to the authorized service center, the address of which is indicated in the warranty card.

X. Complaints regarding the provision of electronic services

9.1. MFS Ltd o.o. takes steps to ensure fully correct operation of the Store, to the extent that results from current technical knowledge, and undertakes to remove within a reasonable time any irregularities reported by customers.

9.2. The customer shall immediately notify MFS Sp. z o.o. about any irregularities or interruptions in the functioning of the Online Store service.

9.3. Irregularities related to the functioning of the Store the Customer may report in writing to the address: Radzymińska 338, 05-091 Warsaw, by e-mail at sklep@feederland.pl

9.4. In the complaint, the customer should provide his name, mailing address, type and date of occurrence of irregularities related to the operation of the Store.

9.5. MFS Ltd o.o. undertakes to consider each complaint within 14 working days, and if this is not possible, to inform the customer within this period when the complaint will be considered.

XI. Change, correction, deletion, processing of personal data.

1. In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) MFS Ltd o.o. provides customers with free access to personal data, its change, forgetting, correction and deletion.

2. Access, change, correction of personal data can be made at any time through the Customer Account after registration and login or contacting Customer Service.

3. In the customer's account, after registration and login, it is possible to revoke any of the consents given (e.g. marketing, newsletter) for data processing, not including cookies).

4. All information regarding access, change, correction and deletion of your personal data, you can obtain by contacting our Customer Service Department - tel: 500 212 003Or by email to sklep@feederland.pl

5. feederland.co.uk uses automated processing of personal data, such as profiling, to tailor offers to the customer's personal preferences.

6. The customer has the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority.

7. Consents for the processing of personal data always have a specified period for which they are valid, in the absence of specifying this period they are valid until any revocation of consent, and after such revocation, for the period of the statute of limitations for claims to which the controller is entitled and against him, unless the processing is carried out on the basis of other legal provisions than the consent expressed (e.g., Purchase/Sale Agreement).

XII. Final Provisions

8.1. Settlement of possible disputes arising between the company MFS Ltd o.o. and the Customer, who is a consumer within the meaning of Article 22 of the Civil Code, shall be submitted to the competent courts in accordance with the provisions of the relevant provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure.

8.2. Settlement of possible disputes arising between the company MFS Ltd o.o. and the Customer, who is not a consumer within the meaning of Article 22 of the Civil Code, shall be submitted to the court having jurisdiction over the seat of the company MFS Ltd o.o.

8.3. In matters not covered by these Regulations, the provisions of the Civil Code, the provisions of the Act on rendering electronic services and other relevant provisions of Polish law shall apply.

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