was created after the success of GREEN. We were looking for a color that would be equally attractive to the fish and would fit into most of the nutritional parameters. This is how our Promix Method Feeder RED groundbait with an extreme red color was born. We use a lot of fish meal in our mixes, because this is of course the basis for really good groundbaits in this category. With RED we went a little higher, so now this is our groundbait with the most fishmeal.
Quality has also played a key role in the success of Promix Method Mix Red, which is why the 5 most soluble fish meal with the highest biological value that we use, including salmon meal, are the basis of the groundbait. In addition to the excellent ingredients, the grain size is also important, and RED is very fine grain to ensure that it works as quickly as possible. For this reason, and also due to the extreme content of fish meal, it is important to prepare in 3 or more steps to obtain the ideal consistency. The finished mix adheres well to the feeder, but quickly breaks down when hit with water and creates a nice cloud around the basket. Thanks to its extremely good solubility, the appetite stimulants, amino acids and proteins contained in it quickly attract fish to the area of the bait.
We also put a lot of emphasis on the colour of Promix Method Mix Red, trying to find the most vivid red, which drastically translated into our results. The strong fishy smell of RED comes from the fishmeal. RED groundbait is completely AROMA-FREE!
- Weight
- 800g